Monday, September 6, 2010

A New Year

It's Labor Day, and my to-do list is long.  Tomorrow is a big day, and the preparations to make sure the morning goes smoothly are many.

Tomorrow is Toad's first day of second grade, and the first time he will ride the bus.  He's nervous -- and so am I.  My memories of all those years on the school bus aren't very pleasant.  I've heard rumors that bus riding has changed, that kids are better behaved and the bus drivers don't allow for much.  I certainly hope so.  At first he was only going to ride home in the afternoons, but he decided he wanted to ride in the morning as well.  We'll give it a shot.  Open House went very well last week -- he likes his teacher and there are three kids from last year's class in his new class.  His classroom is HUGE and they have a Smart Board!

Tomorrow is Birdy's first day at a brand new Montessori.  She will have to get up very early to drive in with Hammer Guy, who will be dropping off and picking up most days.  She still misses her old school, friends, and teachers, but she's ready to get back into a routine.  She's already picked out her outfit for the first day, and today we bought her new tennis shoes. 

Tomorrow my work schedule changes slightly.  Rather than working from home two days a week, I will go into the office every morning and leave every afternoon in time to meet the bus.  I am so grateful for that flexibility.

Left on my to-do list: more laundry; dinner; get backpacks ready; iron name tags onto Birdy's school blankie and sweatshirts; make lunches (stay tuned for details about Project Lunch Box); iron clothes for work; finish the week's meal plan and grocery list.  Plus I promised two chapters of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban tonight, as well as baths and bedtime.  It's time for another cup of coffee.

Fingers are crossed for a smooth morning -- with no tears (especially from Mom).


  1. They'll both do great, Mom! I think the bus thing is harder on us than it is on them. A starts kindergarten tomorrow and will probably be dressed and ready by 7 a.m! :)

    Good luck and don't forget to take some pictures!

